Online Access @
Major Shopping Center Data
Attributes vary by subscription tier. See the chart on the online access product page for a breakdown.
View Center Details
View individual details on 9,100 major malls and shopping centers across the U.S. and Canada. Access contacts, tenant lists, design details, site/leasing plans, general demographics.
Area Visitation
- Nearest Competing Center and miles to it
- Average Miles Traveled By Visitors
- Nearest Comparable Center and miles to it
- Leading Center Cross-Shopped and mile from subject center
- %of Same Visitors
- % Preference of Same Visitors
Average Visitor Distance Traveled By:
- Center Classification
- Center Type (Open-Air vs Enclosed)
- Gross Leasable Area (GLA)
- Geographic Region
- Top 10 Owner/Management Companies DMM porfolio
Anchor Store Status and GLA Metrics – Use this to Identify properties with excess vacant and closed anchor store space. Identify Anchor stores that are “Opening” in the future at the center.
- Anchor Store Status and GLA (sqft) Metrics
- Total Anchor GLA
- Total Closed/Vacant Anchor GLA
- % of Total GLA with Closed/Vacant Status
Tenant Lists – Providing a comprehensive overview of every major mall and shopping center.
Quickly access a complete list of over 312,000 tenants.
- # of Listed Tenants
- 16 Categories
- Tenant-Mix Percentages by Category
- Counts by category
- Anchor Stores
- Square footage (Anchors only)
- Anchor Store Status with date when available: (Closed, Closing, Vacant, Opening)
Retail Chain Type – Assigned to each tenant along with metrics for the tenant-mix for each shopping center
- National
- Regional
- Local Regional
- Independents.
Email/Web Links
View active email addresses and contact information for general managers, asset managers, leasing agents, owner/developers, management and more. See convenient links for website addresses for quick and easy research into a given company.
Site/Leasing Plans
View, print, copy and paste site or leasing plans for thousands of major malls and shopping centers. Get an accurate blue print and leasing models for nearly any retail location, including whether they have vacant space, out parcels, temporary tenants, kiosk availability and more.
DMM Center Metrics
- Individual center metrics in comparison to entire DMM datase
- The center’s Owner/Developer company’s DMM portfolio holdings with total GLA metrics, Store Totals
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Unlimited Search
Get access to the most comprehensive data on 8,570 major shopping center and mall listings. Select your desired criteria to quickly and easily run searches by geography, ownership, market area, leasing, physical features, tenants and more. Easily toggle to view search results and map results! More Details and screenshots
Create Groups
Create and save custom groups of data based on your needs for analyzing and monitoring certain queries or individual selections. Use your custom groups to query, compare, combine and intersect your selections for deeper insight into various markets and geographic areas.
Integrated Map Tool
Use the Integrated Microsoft Bing Maps feature to get a broader view of a given geographic area and add clarity to query results. View shopping center and major mall locations on live maps with satellite imagery anywhere in the U.S. and Canada. More details and screenshots available here.
Center Detail Report
Quickly and easily print basic detail reports for any major mall or shopping center in the database. Get a streamlined report on thousands of retail locations, including details, contacts, tenants and general information and co-tenancy metrics. See a sample here.
On Demand Custom Reports
Access custom reports on demand. Choose the data you need and print reports as only as they’re needed. For examples of these custom reports, click here.
Export Center Details, complete contact information, location information, mobile analytics, trade area demographics, Anchor Stores with sqft, Status (Closed, Vacant, Opening) , personal notes. More details about the Data Export Function are available here. Important: Geocodes (longitude/latitude), Physical Address, and Non-Anchor Tenants are NOT exportable. Please contact us to discuss offline direct licensing options.
Search Result Graphs
Easily view comparison graphs of the centers in your search results. View graphical representations of top 10 owners/developers/management company holdings, classifications, retail GLA, regions, and store types and Average distance traveled to center by visitors (by size, region, center type, center classification, Top 10 Owner/Mgmt Company) . Download a PDF of all the graphs in your result set for easy offline viewing. More details and screenshots available here.
More about online access tiers and what’s included with each one.
Need more flexibility to integrate DMM data into your own plaftform? Reach out to a DMM data specialist here.
Search FAQ's
Quick Links
- What are the different subscription access tiers?
- Who uses the data and why?
- Which Contact titles are available for each listing?
- Is there a short video I can watch which gives me the highlights of the site?
- Technical Support
- Can I export / download data?
- Is Historical Shopping Center Data available?
- What are the Mobile Traffic, Segmentation and Enhanced Demographics features?
- What are the Retail Chain Store Types?
- What is DMM's Research Methodology
- What are the features of the DMM Mapping Tool ?
- HOW TO---Search for listings?
- HOW TO--- Find centers planning a renovation or expansion using (Video)
- DMM Data in Research Studies and Whitepapers
- Articles and Archive of DMM e-news
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