Directory of Major Malls
Directory of Major Malls

Investment Banking & Private Equity

Asset Valuations & Private Equity Investment Analytics Made Easy

The Directory Major Malls’ comprehensive catalog of retail centers and data points empowers Financial Consultancies, Hedge Funds and Private Equity firms to rapidly update quarterly financial reports for REIT portfolios with consolidated and cross-referenced data on National, Regional, Local and Independent chain trends.

DMM gathers and maintains more than 100 key performance indicators of an owner portfolio & the associated retail tenants so that investors can make more robust assessments of the relationships between brand assets, the portfolio’s strength and growth potential. These measurements are the baseline drivers for informative executive recommendations and financial decisions that maximize return on investment.

What Makes DMM The RIGHT Solution?

Compare Asset Portfolios for Valuation Analyses

  • DMM’s data can play a vital role in shopping center and retail brand portfolio investment when financial advisors require more objective valuation data points for their assessments.

  • DMM data delivers in-depth valuation metrics by market and ownership that shapes the formation of understandings around portfolio performance across a single owner and their competitors.

  • Independent, third-party portfolio valuations require several DMM attributes to enhance transparency and consistency when addressing stakeholder requirements. This reduces perceived conflicts of interest and mitigates risk in analytic recommendations.

Cross-Reference Retail Tenant Mix & Access Saturation of Chains

  • Tenant distributions play a critical role in the measurement of health and longevity of a shopping center.
  • Successful shopping centers  have an essential advantage when positioned in a great location and managing a well-balanced tenant mix.
  • Owners & potential investors are using DMM to pinpoint portfolio trends or anomalies based on the weight of tenants in a category and across National, Regional, Local chains and Independent brands.

Assess True Retail Trade Areas to Identify Growth Opportunities

  • Market Share is derived from the customer pull or reach of a shopping center and retail opportunities offered to the consumer.
  • DMM’s inclusion of proprietary Trade Areas focuses investors on the residential areas and target customers that drive at least 70% of the retail traffic in each center.
  • Given the importance of maintaining the highest level  of ongoing visitor traffic to generate greater sales, DMM’s quarterly and annual measurements of footfall observations provides an accurate gauge of investment viability and strength.

Evaluate the Impact of Customer Profiles & Demographics

DMM’s data insights developed through years of experience and strategic partnerships allows investment stakeholders to make asset and financial decisions that fund targeting the right customers along with their precise lifestyle behaviors.

Validate investment plans and strategic initiatives geared towards gaining market dominance and generating suitable scenarios for long-term rates of return. is:




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