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Elevate your retail strategy with the power of precise and comprehensive shopping center and tenant location data. Gain essential demographic insights, competitive intelligence, and seize opportunities for expansion, acquisitions, and investments.
Start Your FREE Trial Today. Access the Retail Data You Need.
How will YOU benefit by having access?
With data covering over 357,219 retail tenant locations associated with over 17010 shopping centers and malls in the U.S. & Canada, the DMM dataset is packed with reliable, up-to-date, and comprehensive data. The dataset covers the plethora of shopping center classifications including:
- Open-Air Community
- Enclosed
- Mixed-Use / Lifestyle / Specialty
- Power
- Outlet/Off-Price
- Entertainment
- and more
The latest technology and market area analysis integrations are illustrated at through tables, graphs, and maps, so you can plan your retail shopping center research & analysis effectively.
- Cross-Shopping Analysis
- Average Visitor Distance metrics
- Nearest Competing and Comparable Centers,
- Trade Area maps
- Mobile Visitor Observation metrics,
- Enhanced Demographics & Segmentation profiles
- Tenant Mix & Retail Chain Mix
- Anchor Store Status & Vacancy Metrics
Whether you are an up-and-coming retailer or a major retail chain, save precious time and manpower by quickly and efficiently locating retail locations that are suitable for your first store or your next expansion. Review existing markets, pinpoint competition and determine if the local demographics are a match. More details…
Owners / Developers / Management
In order to properly plan and strategize to fulfill your business objectives, you need up-to-date data. Stay aware of current market competitors while finding the proper tenants to serve your demographics. Track which retailers are opening or closing stores and stay aware of new construction or redevelopment opportunities. More details…
Investors / Financial Consultants
The ability to make informed decisions about your retail portfolio requires access to a wide variety of data. You need to be informed of Portfolio/Asset Sales, new construction, chain store opening and closings, changes to the industry, and other vital trends. Quickly search, cross-reference and export the timely information your executive decision-makers need to effectively evaluate their retail investments. More details…
Leasing Agents/Brokers
Empower your executive team to expedite its strategic planning process. With the ability to easily adjust search parameters, cross-reference, and export, you can have the timely information needed to move your plan forward. Access geo-targeted data on critical leasing data such as vacancies or expansions. Learn about nearby retail to identify effective leasing opportunities. More details…
Service / Suppliers / Marketers
Across numerous industries spanning design, construction, technology, marketing, and suppliers domains, forward-thinking companies harness DMM’s robust shopping center data to skillfully navigate and filter the data with such criteria as construction/renovation activity, physical features, size, location, and tenant-mix to uncover which projects and contacts are the best targets for their offerings. More details…
Geospatial Analysts / Data Scientists
DMM data integrated into GIS and Business Intelligence solutions provides insight into market dynamics, guiding effective retail strategies and decision-making. Site selection and market analysis are improved by identifying optimal locations for developments, expansions, or acquisitions. Examining trade area demographics, cross-shopping patterns, segmentation, and tenant mix, organizations lead to data-driven decisions that align with consumer preferences, competitive positioning, and opportunities in the retail landscape. More details…