Directory of Major Malls
Directory of Major Malls

How do you research and update the DMM listing data?

The Directory of Major Malls database, a leading industry source for over 35 years concentrates on the major shopping centers and malls in the U.S. and Canada, which are approx. 175,000+ sq. ft. and above in size, as well as centers classified as Lifestyle/Specialty of any size.  By covering the specific niche of both open-air (strip/community/power/off-price/mixed-use), hybrid and enclosed centers we have been able to focus our research team’s attention on maintaining the very latest details, tenant lists, ownership and contact information on this niche of centers and the 331,985 associated tenants located in them as well as the square footage of the anchor stores. As of January  2017, the DMM dataset includes over 9,080 major shopping center and mall listings, their 331,985 associated tenants and 44,624 primary contacts.

On the average the Directory of Major Malls research team updates close to 98% of the existing listings each year and adds hundreds of new shopping center listings annually in addition to updates to the thousands of tenant locations and shopping center contacts. The annual goal is of course always 100% though the nature of the industry and the ongoing activity of ownership changes and redevelopment can mean in a handful of cases that a confirmed update was unobtainable during the course of our process. However, the process continues past the point of production deadline and efforts continue to locate updated information on these records.  On a daily basis, the Directory of Major Malls research team makes every effort to provide the most accurate, up-to-date data in the industry. Our research process involves several update campaigns annually to update and gather new data directly from the source; the shopping center owner/developers and their authorized agents. Additionally we’re locating and tracking information through mail, phone interviews, fax, e-mail, industry periodicals, public relations contacts, the Internet and personal contact at industry events.

In addition to our scheduled research campaigns, there is an ongoing emphasis all year long on acquiring new listings and tracking the continuous flow of ownership, contact, redevelopments, expansions and tenant changes.

Our research process and commitment to our users makes the DMM data as timely as possible within the constraints of even the tightest production schedule. We are updating our data up to the last possible moment prior to release to be assured our customers are receiving the latest information on this important niche of major and specialized retail projects.

Our steadfast position as a primary source to retailers, owner / developers, management companies, promotional, retail design, architectural firms, service and supply companies has helped us form strong long standing and cooperative relationships with the primary shopping center developers and managing companies in the industry. Consequently, both the major and minor players in the industry are consistently agreeable in responding to our requests for not only updates on their existing projects but also with keeping us well informed of their new developments, renovations/expansions and acquisitions.

More about our Statement of Methodology

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