People Go Shopping, but Where Do They Come from
When They Go Shopping?
(still no flying cars)
Cell phone networks and GPS satellites provide more than map and communications services. They provide data that can be interpreted, analyzed and utilized in many different ways. For shopping centers, such data can illuminate shoppers' spending habits and how best to target shoppers so that they spend their money with you instead of online. StreetLight Data has published what could be a helpful took in that regard, its first annual “Mall Shopper Mobility Report” (free white paper download available). By using data from over 70 billion data records (including those from DMM), the report shows key patterns and benchmarks (for example, from how far away people travel to shop at a particular mall) associated with visitors to 5,369 major malls and shopping centers across the U.S.
The Jetsons and Back to the Future II Could Still be Right: Shopping in the Future
When it comes to media speculation about the future, your humble newsletter editor is always a bit skeptical. I've been watching The Jetsons for more than 40 years and we still don't have the flying cars or the Foodarackacycle that the show depicted. And forget about Back to the Future II's suggestion that the Cubs will win the World Series in October 2015 (yeah, it could still happen). The Jetsons did touch upon shopping trends that may be coming to fruition. CNBC however has some interesting perspectives on the mall of the future that we might want to revisit 25 years from now just to see how right – or wrong – they got it. Some are based on how different malls look today than in the old days (grocery stores and fitness centers in malls? No way!). Other ideas from the articles focus on creative applications of technology, such as one that, with the touch of a button, allows mirrors (or advanced video screens) to show a person what that green shirt she's wearing would look like if it were pink.
Video Goes Viral: Mall Learns Bad Can be Very, Very Good
If you've ever watched cable TV, you've probably seen a few locally-produced advertisements. They're not usually on the level of commercials made for the big NFL championship game, but they're more than sufficient. Sometimes you get a few commercials that are clearly just not up to snuff, strictly from a production perspective. Those are the commercials that get passed around and chuckled at on social media. That's not necessarily a bad thing, and that's how management in East Hills Shopping Center in St. Joseph, MO, is looking at it. As far as they are concerned, their commercial is getting people talking, and coming in for back-to-school sales.
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Spotlight Listing: Holiday Village Mall, Great Falls, MT