Update Announcement for August 2013
ShoppingCenters.com / Directory of Major Malls
Even though it is summer vacation time for many, the DMM / ShoppingCenters.com research team continues its efforts to expand and update our growing database of major shopping centers and malls throughout the US and Canada. (Don’t worry, they all do take some vacation time to relax and refresh…just not all at once 😉
This August 2013 update to the Directory of Major Malls/ShoppingCenters.com site now brings us to a total of 7,787 listings of THE major shopping centers and malls in the US and Canada. Plus this past month we’ve added/updated over 200 new site/leasing plans.
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For questions about this and other functions and tasks on ShoppingCenters.com contact us or call us at (845) 348-7000 x200 (M-F 9am-5 pm)