An “A-Moose-ing” Story: Bullwinkle Tries to go Shopping
We're going to guess, since everyone reading this is associated in some way with the retail industry, that you've heard the old joke, “How do you stop a bull from charging?” If you haven't heard it, click here (you'll thank us later). But if you Google “How do you stop a moose from shopping?” the internet is woefully short of ideas. Thankfully, wildlife officials in Plattsburgh, NY, had a plan for that time a one-year old, 1,000 pound moose got trapped near a WalMart. It's not the first time the WPTZ channel 5 news team has been called into action when a moose came a-calling. One even led police on a drug bust.
So You're Thinking about Co-tenancy
Tools and data from certainly make it easy for you to find a suitable co-tenancy arrangement. But have you fully considered what co-tenancy can mean for you? Tyler S. Bobes, a partner in the Real Estate Practice Group of Walter | Haverfield LLP in Cleveland, recently explored the issue in a guest-blog on Crain’s Cleveland Business magazine's website. In his article, “Negotiating favorable co-tenancy provisions in retail leases,” Bobes explores the various issues surrounding co-tenancy and explains the rationale behind the issues.
FBIC Studies Shopping Scene in NYC Suburbs
Retail analyst FBIC (Fung Business Intelligence Centre) recently took tours of two suburban malls in the New York City area – the Willowbrook Mall in Wayne, NJ, and Taubman's Westfarms Mall in Farmington, CT. While the report only looked at these two centers, it concluded that grim statistics that abound in the industry “don't tell the whole story.” The report details the strategies both locations are taking to remain not only viable but to flourish. “It's all about great location and critical mass. Both are upscale shopping destinations benefiting from massive trading areas of up to 25 miles in affluent communities. More important, however, both malls have fully capitalized on their demographic advantages by assembling a market-appropriate roster of retailers and brands that appeal to a diversity of customers across age, income and price points.” For a PDF of the full report, click here.
DMM TECH-TIP: CO-TENANCY – Co-tenancy on your mind?
Co-tenancy (co•ten•an•cy, koh-ten-uhn-see) is a noun, defined as “two or more tenants sharing property.” It's like being back in college and having a roommate.
The Group creation tool can lend a hand in locating co-tenancy partners that might work in your situation. It's easy! Check it out.
Spotlight Listing: Christiana Mall, Newark DE