Directory of Major Malls
Directory of Major Malls

ESRI StoryMap: Phoenix, AZ — Growth of the Major* Shopping Center and Mall Market Through Time.

DMM-ESRI Phoenix StoryMap

Directory of Major Malls / and ESRI have combined forces to bring you a visual timeline of major retail
shopping center growth through time in the Phoenix, AZ metro market.

Using the vast wealth of over 30 years of historical data following the major shopping centers and malls through out the US
and Canada, DMM has extracted the Phoenix area data and combined it with the StoryMap platform for a visual depiction
of the retail growth since 1999. (click the image to visit the actual StoryMap and travel through time)

Phoenix is home to more than 5 million people and generates economic output of more than $250 billion, just slightly less
than Hong Kong. This makes it one of the 50th largest economies in the world. It ranks 39th in Gross Metropolitan Product of
U.S. Metro Areas and Gross State Product of U.S. States of $201.7 billion.

Phoenix Area statistics for major shopping center / mall retail projects:

Historically – Starting in 1999

  • Pre 2000: 95 major shopping centers added to the market = 42+ million Sqft. in Retail GLA
  • 2000 – 2004 : 41 major shopping centers added to the market = 17+ million Sqft. in Retail GLA
  • 2005 – 2009 : 58 major shopping centers added to the market = 30+ million Sqft. in Retail GLA
  • 2010 – 2014 : 23 major shopping centers added to the market = 11+ million Sqft. in Retail GLA

Present Day :  A total 217 major shopping centers with over 100 million Sqft. of Retail GLA

Future : Projected to open 8 new major* centers totaling nearly 8 million Sqft. in Retail Gross Leasable Area (GLA).


*”Major” as defined by Directory of Major Malls/ as retail projects of approx. 200k sqft of retail and/or classified as lifestyle/specialty/mixed-use.

For more than 35 years, Directory of Major Malls / has been the leading source of data on the 8,100+ major shopping
centers and malls throughout the US and Canada and an ESRI partner for over 10 years. For more details about how the DMM data is integrated
into the ESRI products click here.

Other DMM / ESRI Storymaps:

Upcoming Specialty Shopping Center Developments:  Published May 2013

50 Largest US Shopping Centers: Published December 2012




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