Directory of Major Malls
Directory of Major Malls

Come Visit Directory of Major Malls | at ICSC RECon 2019 in Las Vegas

Visit us at REConWith just a few weeks to go before ICSC RECon 2019 in Las Vegas, we’re getting excited about meeting new people, catching up with old acquaintances, and talking about the latest developments in retail real estate.

This year’s agenda is packed full of interesting session topics and dynamic keynote speakers. If there’s one common theme through all these events, it’s that the retail industry is rapidly changing. At Directory of Major Malls | (DMM), we’ve been tracking many of these same trends and firmly believe that comprehensive shopping center data is foundational for navigating the shifting retail landscape.

Comprehensive data on retail location opportunities, deep demographic data, competitor tracking, and industry trends give retail businesses the insight they need to make informed decisions. As consumer preferences and retail strategies change, deep retail data enables the agility needed to thrive in uncertain times.

So when you get the chance, stop by booth #N1329 to visit DMM in the Las Vegas Convention Center at ICSC RECon 2019! We’re excited to share our Online Access, Custom Databases, Retail Boundaries, and brand new “Cross-Shopping” products with you.

Everyone who stops by our booth will also receive a special subscription discount for online access to!

Remember to stop by booth #N1329 at ICSC RECon 2019! Call (855) 250-3617 x204 or Contact Us to schedule a 1-on-1 product demonstration at the show.

See you in Las Vegas!

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