And Now for Something (in a Shopping Mall) Completely Different…
Because a fish- slapping dance, dead parrots and silly walks have already been done very successfully by a very famous British entertainment troupe, your humble e-newsletter editor now presents to you – for your viewing pleasure – a raccoon riding a scooter at a British shopping center. You’re welcome (apologies to Monty Python).
Hawaii Mall Goes Green with Rain Water Recycling Effort
The Windward Mall in Kaneohe, Hawaii, is reportedly among the first, though not the first, in the state to add a “rain garden” in order to reduce the amount of pollution entering streams and the ocean, according to a recent report in Pacific Business News. According to the article, a rain garden “is a deliberately-built depression planted with vegetation that allows storm water from impervious surfaces to collect, briefly settle and then infiltrate into the ground.” The mall hopes other area landowners, both public and private, will do the same.
A Slice of History in Newark (DE)
In general, we try and look forward and report on the trends that are shaping (and being shaped by) shopping centers in the modern era. Sometimes, it’s important to take a look back at the past, and learn about from where we came. Earlier this month the Newark Post in Delaware found a photo taken in the 1950s that shows the Newark Shopping Center as it existed back then. It’s interesting to note that one of the stores in the center was a Singer Sewing Center. Even more interesting, the center still exists, and the owners expect to complete a $10 million renovation project next month, the Newark Post reported.
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Spotlight Listing: Savannah Mall – Savannah, GA