Directory of Major Malls
Directory of Major Malls

The Fine Art of Recognizing What Doesn’t Matter

by Doug Stephens,
Retail Prophet

June 11, 2012

In speaking
to organizations about technology and its impact on consumer behavior,
what I often hear from executives is that they’re simply overwhelmed by
the constant deluge of technological choices out there.  From new
location-based and social sharing applications to mobile payment and
rewards alternatives, CMO’s and CIO’s are feeling completely overrun by
shiny new tools!   Their problem is that each new technology looks like
something that might deserve their attention and budget. They’re particularly concerned they might be missing the next big thing!

Without a clear focus, this fear of missing out on the latest tech
trend can be  treacherous.  Marketing leaders run the risk of either
taking on costly initiatives that may not pay off, or worse, becoming
completely paralyzed with fear and do nothing at all.

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