Directory of Major Malls
Directory of Major Malls

DMM Retail Shopping Center and Mall Geofences: Elevating Retail Analytics with Precision

Directory of Major Malls offers delineated Shopping Center Geofences (polygons)  for almost 20k major shopping centers and malls in the United States and Canada. These proprietary polygons, created through a strategic alliance with B I Spatial.

Geofence of a shopping center

Geofence is illustrated in the green shaded area

DMM’s delineated geofences  are virtual spatial boundaries specific to a DMM shopping center or mall and correspond to the full site of shopping center, including shadow anchors and parking lots. These geocodes enhance the level of retail analytics that can be created using DMM data by allowing for analysis based on external activity outside, beyond just the physical interior of buildings.

DMM’s strategic approach to geofencing provides more of what you need and excludes the noise.

 In Retail Analytics, Precision and Context are Paramount.

When DMM data is licensed and combined with DMM’s geofences and mobile device data, there is a great opportunity to identify trends and patterns beyond the insights of the data available in your online subscription that represent a more expanded viewpoint of retail activity.

Total estimated universe by 2025 (US & Canada) 20K – 25K shopping center locations

DMM geofence datasets are divided into two tiers:

Tier #1: Major shopping centers and malls of approx 175k sqft of retail GLA and includes some exceptions for lifestyle and mixed-use properties with smaller retail square footages.   Current record count: 9,100+

Tier #2. Small Centers of approx 75,000 – 174,999 sqft of retail GLA.  Current record count: 7,000+

These geofences are available to be used for conducting mobile studies and other types of geospatial analysis. Each geofence is tagged with its DMM record identifier code and the Shopping Center property Name.

All geofences have been delineated with care given to avoid major thoroughfares. Unintentional inclusion of major thoroughfares within geofences captures mobile devices, inflating counts and possible diluting the accuracy of associated segmentation studies.

With Precise Retail Polygons you can generate more reliable insights and focus on innovation.

DMM Retail Boundaries give specific attention to the retail environment around and including the DMM shopping center or mall. Not every adjacent structure contributes to the retail environment. In this example, the DMM Retail Boundary has removed the 3 non-retail buildings (apartments (2), hotel (1)) adjacent to the property. Any derived insight using the DMM Retail Boundary will be soley retail centric and relevant.

Image of four geofences

The Value Add of DMM Geofences:

While DMM geofences are very robust, they are also very flexible. The polygons can be combined seamlessly with the DMM full dataset as well as mobile and segmentation data and they can be visualized in any Geospatial Platform chosen. This union allows Real Estate teams, Retail Brands and Business Analysts to derive additional insights on customers and the DMM center such as:

  • Segmentation Profiles.
  • Brand Choice and Frequency.
  • Trade Area Delineation.
  • Parking and Entrance Preferences.

If more advance and in-depth studies are needed, DMM’s strategic alliance with B. I. Spatial creates yet another access point to a comprehensive suite of analytic services like:

  • Site Selections studies & Evaluations (Existing & New)
  • Customized Retail Boundaries
  • Heat Mapping
  • Customer Segmentation & Behavior Analytics
  • Cross Shopping Analytics
  • Tourism Studies
  • Sales Forecasting Modeling

DMM’s Retail Geofences are designed to facilitate more precise analytic output when joined with raw DMM and other third-party data. DMM Geofences eliminate all the non-retail variants that distort the true traffic within a traditional polygon. Removal of these known anomalies such as ring roads, bridges, residential high-rises, intersecting streets running through a shopping center and nearby highways makes the derived analytic markers far more realistic and thus more actionable and relevant.

The DMM Retail Geofences are compatible with multiple GIS platforms as a visual reference, or as a means of collecting & layering in additional third-party data associates with the DMM location.

To learn more about licensing DMM Shopping Center Geofences or retail boundary analytic services, Contact Us 

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