Directory of Major Malls
Directory of Major Malls

Now Over 6,700 Major Shopping Centers and Malls on

The August 2010 update to the Directory of Major Malls website access located at now brings the total number of active listings to over 6,700 major shopping centers and malls.

In addition this vast database includes over 284,000 individual store locations, 16,832 major real estate contacts with emails and phone numbers and 3,200 site/leasing plans.

All can be accessed 24/7 by subscribers to Directory of Major Malls on the Web as well as visitors looking to purchase extracts at a a “pay by the piece” process.

The DMM on the Web database is not just specific to malls and as of August 1, 2010, includes the following breakdown of center classifications:

Community Centers 3,045
Power Center 1,193
Lifestyle/Specialty/Mixed-Use Centers 952
Regional Malls 929
Super-Regional Malls 467
Value-Retail Centers 150
Entertainment Projects 55

Directory of Major Malls on the Web is updated on a monthly basis.  Subscriptions are available on a regional basis or for access to the entire database of major US and Canadian shopping centers of approximately 200k sqft in retail size.

Directory of Major Malls data is also available in the annual 1,900 page print directory, Directory of Major Malls, On CD, on-line and is available for individual custom dataset licensing. Contact us or call 845-348-7000 x200. Directory of Major Malls, Inc. PO Box 837, Nyack  NY 10960

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