Directory of Major Malls
Directory of Major Malls

What is the Directory of Major Malls |

Directory of Major Malls @ is the essential resource of retail store locations, shopping centers and mall data, giving you quick fingertip access to hundreds of thousands of property details, tenants, trade area metrics and property landlords and contacts.

The DMM data provides comprehensive data on over 17010 shopping centers and malls in the U.S. and Canada. The majority of which are generally a minimum of 75,000+ sq. ft.  and above in size, as well as centers we’ve classified as Lifestyle / Specialty / Mixed-use of any size.

Over 357,219 associated stores broken down into 16 different categories and identified with a retail chain type are included.  Anchor store details include the anchor store’s individual square footage and vacancy status  (Closed/Closing/Opening) and year when available

DMM data is available for immediate access on the website, via direct data licensing and through our network of resellers.

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Major Shopping Centers Across the US & Canada
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VIP Contacts for Leasing Agents, Landlords, Managers & Marketing Directors
Data Point Updates in Just the Last Year Alone
Site / Leasing Plans & Property URLs
Square Feet of Retail GLA

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