Directory of Major Malls
Directory of Major Malls

Cross-Shopping and Trade Area Visitation Metrics

The DMM dataset on provides analysis of cross-shopped properties as it relates to each shopping center listing. The results of this analyze provides insight into which properties the consumer at the “subject” center has also visited.

Reviewing this data along with the tenant-mix and classification for each of the properties along with the top visitor segmentation profiles assists in understanding the preferences, behaviors and demographics of the shoppers. It provides valuable insight for retail site selection when considering retail locations in a market and understanding which one attracts draws more of the target audience for the retailer and how far the average visitor travels to the centers. Further benefit is drawn from understand which competitors and complementary stores exist at each of the properties and the metrics of the tenant category mix.

Trade Area Visitation and Cross-Shopping Definitions

Nearest Competing Center
Closest center of any classification

Nearest Comparable Center
Closest center with the same classification

Avg. Miles Traveled by Visitors
Average distance a visitor traveled to the “Subject” center within the trade area

Leading Center Cross-Shopped
Center with the greatest number of visitors that also shopped at the “Subject” center

Top 5 Cross-Shopped Centers
Top 5 centers with the greatest number of visitors that also shopped at the “Subject” center

Miles from Primary Ctr.
Distance from the “Subject” center to the “Leading cross-shopped center”

% of Same Visitors
% of visitor traffic at the Subject center that also visited the Cross-shopped center during the reported Quarter, not necessarily the same shopping trip

% Preference of Same Visitors
Depicts the % of Same Visitors that actually visit the Subject center over the Cross-shopped center during the reported Quarter

Mileage Note:
0.0 means the distance is less than 1/4 mile


Find this data on the Property & Proximity Details Tab

Area Visitation Metrics and from

Find this data on the Mobile Analytics Tab  (requires a subscription at the Mobile Analytics tier level. See product page for more details) Top 5 Cross-Shopped Centers to Westfield Garden State as per cross-shopping analysis on

More details on Cross-Shopping and Trade Area Visitation Metrics here.

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