Different Strokes for Different Folks: Shopper Preferences Differ By Group, Brand and Store
Nielsen Category Shopping Fundamentals study
published by NIelsen Consumer
| 12.10.2013
A shopper in need is a friend of retailers indeed, but what needs and which retailers? Consumers' everyday needs differ greatly–and so do their shopping habits. To accurately affect the behavior of the U.S.'s diverse shoppers, marketers need to understand distinct preferences by demographic, category and retail channel. The new Nielsen Category Shopping Fundamentals study explores the varied mindsets of today's U.S. shoppers when it comes to making purchases for their everyday needs. This comprehensive research leverages over 50,000 purchases across 100 fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) categories to provide a complete overview of the shopper's path to purchase.
Whose “Shopportunity”?
The FMCG landscape is dynamic and constantly evolving, and retailers and manufacturers in this market must understand who their shoppers are today and what makes them tick in order to maximize their marketing dollars. Marketing strategies aimed at traditional shoppers and shopping patterns will not bear fruit with today's primary shopper and their style of interaction with FMCG purchases.
Meeting Men's Needs
While women traditionally represent the primary grocery shopper for the household, men's role in household shopping continues to expand. This growth,coupled with coupled with the unique behavior of male shoppers, requires marketers to
better focus their efforts to reach this demographic. Men tend to shop… (Read the complete article)