Directory of Major Malls
Directory of Major Malls by the Numbers

Latest metrics for DMM’s Major retail shopping center and tenant locations, center sizes and classifications

As of November 25, 2024

The most featured center in our dataset are Community Centers, which are mostly open-air in design. The second most featured centers are classified as Power Centers, also open-air in design and usually have 3 or more big-boxes stores. Third in line are Lifestyle / Specialty Centers / Mixed-Use which have evolved to include a tenant mix of traditional retail along with restaurants, theaters,  retailtainment, wellness, fitness and others. This classification often combines retail usage with residential, hospitality, commercial and medical .

The Directory of Major Malls / shopping center and mall dataset includes over 17,000 listings of US & Canadian shopping centers and malls generally a minimum of 75,000+ sq. ft. and above in size as well as some which may be smaller but include significant retail space and illustrate the changing landscape of conventional retail shopping center locations.

<< DMM Shopping Center Definitions >>

Tenant locations associated with the property number at  357,219 tenants broken down into 16 categories.

Retail Chain Types are assigned to the individual stores providing a Cross-Reference Retail Tenant Mix & Assess Saturation of Chains.

<< Retail Chain Type Definitions >>

Anchor tenants are identified and include square footage figures. Vacant and closed anchor tenants are identified and useful for pinpointing properties which might be ripe for redevelopment, or already transforming to new retail configurations. This may also be a key component for valuation and assessment.

Anchor stores with status and Sqft on

DMM Major Shopping Center dataset Classification counts sourced from / DMM as of 11-25-2024
DMM Major Shopping Center dataset Gross Leasable Area (GLA size) ranges sourced from / DMM as of 11-25-2024
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