Directory of Major Malls
Directory of Major Malls

Retail Traffic & Segmentation

Retail Traffic & Consumer Behaviors – REALITY vs Rings

The strategic alliance between DMM, B I Spatial, Near, Inc. & Claritas creates powerful and unique, proprietary metrics that facilitate faster & quantifiable data analytics that organizations need to extend their brands beyond the traditional radius ring methods of analyzing locations.

By integrating quarterly mobile observations & 70% trades areas into the shopping center metrics, DMM is able to identify segmentation profiles that take retail analytics beyond generic proximity demographics and drive-time rings to create a tailored view of the actual customers visiting a center and the retail behaviors that drive their purchases.  DMM derives actionable, focused data for management decisions that are reflective of the true activity driving sales revenue and center identity.


With just a few quick and easy clicks, elevates Site Selection, Center Tenancy planning and Target Marketing as the RIGHT tool to gauge “REAL” market share and retail viability.

Evaluate Your Target Customers & Markets.

Do You Know…?

WHAT Identifies the Traffic of a Center?

  • DMM’s comprehensive online or custom datasets include mobile traffic insights powered by Near, Inc®. This union brings the power of the leading provider of people movement data to DMM’s shopping center metrics.
  • DMM’s proprietary Geofences & Retail Boundaries drive the daily extract & processing of mobile observation counts to focus analytics on REAL customer profiles & voids over an Annual & Quarterly basis.
  • DMM’s visitor observation metrics are driven by REALTY vs RINGS.  DMM eliminates misdirected strategies to provide higher ROI on customer and market targeting by using the larger, actual trade area traffic to determine the statistically accurate perspective of visitor observations over time, not just the small drive time radius volume that may not actually be visiting a shopping center.

WHERE Shopping Center Visitors Come From?

  • DMM’s strategic partnership with BI Spatial’s, LLC® leverages their proprietary Trade Area methodology to deliver the most accurate geographic representation of residential origination points for 70% of the customer visitor traffic to a shopping center.

  • The precision built into the retail observation data integration means no more guesswork about seasonality shifts or wasted marketing spend towards areas in a radius or drive time ring.

  • Detailed breakdowns of the differences between primary and tourist traffic also distinguishes and refines strategic plans to target the RIGHT consumer with the RIGHT messages.

WHO the Actual Shopping Center Visitors are?

  • Combining “Where” with “Who” means DMM has cut through the noise to make sure your analytics lead to the right consumers.
  • DMM has leveraged PRIZM, the leading consumer profile and lifestyle behavior metrics from Claritas, Inc® to rank the top consumer contributors to the retail success of a center.   
  • Accessing a deeper understanding of WHO the shopping center customer is provides retail leasing and planning advantages when attracting new tenants and new customers. The robust data are no longer general, but customized based on facts.

HOW do the REAL Visitor Behaviors Drive Sales?

What’s better than answering the questions or providing the retail experiences your customers have been looking for? Consumers increasingly want to have experiences at all stages of their lives, so that means messaging, products and services that are relevant to their specific preferences.

DMM’s usage of Clarita’s PRIZM Premier™, the industry’s most widely adopted segmentation solution, creates the depth of understanding of customer lifestyle and behaviors associated with the visitation traffic and directs the targeted is:




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