Directory of Major Malls
Directory of Major Malls

How to Obtain a Report

1. Run a search query by clicking Start a Query:

Start a Query

2. From here you can filter based on many different categories:

Filter Categories

Note: You may search a single category to filter results or apply multiple categories altogether.

There are 7 search categories which include: General Info, Geography, Demographics, Physical Features, Leasing Info, Companies, and Stores.

3. After creating a filter or filters, click the View Button then Scroll Down to view your results.

purchase report

4. Each page of the results contains 20 results. Use the Page tab at the bottom to view each page of the search results.

purchase report

5. To view detailed information for a listing. Highlight the listing and the Orange Bar will appear again, to Scroll Down to reveal more information.

purchase report

6. Below the Orange Bar you will see the first page of the Detail Information for that center. The details for the center are divided into tabbed sections.

purchase report

7. Click each Tab to view more information.
To print the complete details of the listing, Click the Detail Report button in the box with the green border.

purchase report

8. A new window will open with the Detail Report. Click Print in the top right corner to print the full Detail Report on that particular center.

purchase report

9. To print multiple reports at one time, scroll back up and click the Create Reports button at the upper right of the list of Search Results. Keep in mind, when you leave this screen, your query will no longer be available. You may want to save the results to a Group prior to leaving your results page.

purchase report

10. When you click the Create Reports button, a list of the available reports / downloads will appear. As you mouse over each report name, click Sample to see the report format with a sample record. Pick and choose which report you would like by placing a check mark on the small box adjacent to the type of report.

purchase report

Please Note:
– Subscribers to the “On Demand Report” option are able to download printed reports at no additional cost
– Basic level subscribers and guests will see a pricing for downloading these options.

11. Once you have chosen the report(s), scroll all the way down and click Purchase Reports.

purchase report

12. After completing payment for the reports (only if you DO NOT have the “On Demand Report” option, a message will appear and the report will now be available in your My Reports section of the website.

purchase report

Note: You can create Titles for your reports and you can save them by clicking Save Titles.
– To return to My Reports at a later time, once logged in, you may select My Reports at the top of the page.
– Reports / Downloads will be available for 30 days from the day of printing.
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